Our Customer Service Pledge

• We will offer fair and competitive prices across our product ranges

• We will endeavour to offer quality products and service at all times

• We will clearly communicate order details and delivery dates to our customers in line with our customer delivery standards.

• We will advise you of any problems / complications or variations with your orders

• We will always handle your orders efficiently and accurately as possible.

• We will respond promptly and fairly to complaints and problems by e-mail unfortunately, we understand that there will be times when things go wrong, and you may need to contact us.


If this is the case then please follow the process detailed in Step 1.

Step 1 -

Informal complaints, if you feel you have cause to complain, we would ask that in the 1st instance speak to one to the branch manager. Please click on the link to view our branch managers contact details.

Most matters can be resolved promptly at this stage.

Manager Contacts

Birkenhead Colin Dodd 0151 652 2693 cdodd@beesleyandfildes.co.uk
Chester Tony Carroll 01244 300 287 tcarroll@beesleyandfildes.co.uk
Huyton Karl Devereaux 0151 480 8304 kdevereaux@beesleyandfildes.co.uk
Liverpool Ken Deakin 0151 709 9361 kdeakin@beesleyandfildes.co.uk
Radcliffe Mark Fox 0161 724 6363 mfox@beesleyandfildes.co.uk
Swinton Wes Bracewell 0161 728 5126 wbracewell@beesleyandfildes.co.uk
Walkden Darren Bradshaw 0161 713 1200 dbradshaw@beesleyandfildes.co.uk
Warrington Derek Robinson 01925 631 601 drobinson@beesleyandfildes.co.uk
Widnes Sean Tully 0151 422 4600 stully@beesleyandfildes.co.uk

Step 2 -

Formal complaints If we are unable to resolve your complaint in the first instance, please contact us formally at Customer Services, we ask that you provide as much information as possible to allow us to investigate promptly:

Our operation manager will acknowledge your formal complaint within 2 working days of receipt. 

Following investigations, we aim to send our written response within 7 working days. If we are unable to confirm a written response to your complaint within the 7 working days, we will still contact you to explain why. We value our customers and are proud of our customer service.  We will endeavour to explain what went wrong, propose one or more solutions and explain how we will change our practices to prevent similar problems in the future.


Step 3 -

There may be times when we were still unable to reach a satisfactory agreement with you. If that is the case and you are still dissatisfied then you are able to refer your complaint further via our final process please contact 

At this stage one of our directors will review your dispute / issue. At this stage the response/ outcome and this will be our full & final decision.