A Complete Guide on How to Clean Porcelain Tile - Expert Tips from Beesley & Fildes


Proper upkeep of your porcelain tiles is essential to maintain the cleanliness and appeal of your home. As a homeowner or someone interested in tile maintenance, you may have come across various blogs claiming to have the best cleaning methods. However, finding accurate and reliable information can be overwhelming. Don't worry, because we, at Beesley & Fildes, are here to provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to clean porcelain tile. Our expertise in the tile industry ensures that your tiles remain in optimum condition for years to come.


1. Start with a Thorough Dusting:

Before diving into a deeper clean, it's crucial to remove any loose dust and dirt. Achieving this task is simple and straightforward. You can use a dry dust mop, a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment, or a microfiber mop. Ensure you reach all the corners and crevices, as these can accumulate dirt over time.


2. Tackling Localised Stains:

For localised stains on your porcelain tiles, a soft nylon brush and warm water are your best friends. Gently scrub the stained area in a circular motion, taking care not to scrub dry areas, as this could scratch the tiles. Always test any cleaning solution on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure it doesn't damage the tiles.


3. Choose the Right Floor Cleaner:

Mopping your porcelain tiles with a suitable floor cleaner is essential for a thorough cleaning. Opt for a mild solution that won't harm glazed or polished tiles.


4. Mopping and Drying:

Once you've applied the floor cleaner, mop the entire surface of your porcelain tiles, making sure to remove any residue. To avoid streaks or water spots, we recommend using a microfiber cloth or clean towel for drying. To achieve a sparkling shine, gently buff the tiles with suitable fabric cloth.


5. Practical Tips for Stubborn Stains:

Sometimes, stains can be a bit more challenging to remove. For these instances, Beesley & Fildes suggests using specialised cleaning solutions targeted for stubborn stains. Please make sure that you carefully follow the instructions provided on the cleaner and refrain from using any abrasive cleaners that may cause damage to the tiles.

Keeping your porcelain tiles clean and pristine doesn't have to be a daunting task. With our expert tips and Beesley & Fildes' high-quality cleaning products, you can keep your tiles in pristine condition for years to come. From dusting to mopping and addressing localised stains, our comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about cleaning porcelain tiles.